The original innovative system from 3M enables painters to mix less paint and drastically reduce the amount of solvent and time required for gun cleaning, improving operator efficiency by as much as 15%.
3M delivers all three values with the PPS Paint Preparation System. Make your job easier with this innovative system that increases efficiency by eliminating the need for traditional mixing cups and paint strainers.
Unlike traditional spray cups, paint is mixed and sprayed out of the same PPS liner with a lid and built-in filter. Specifically designed adapters allow painters to use the PPS system with virtually any spray gun.
A key advantage of this closed system is that it enables a painter’s spray gun to function at any angle, even upside down. Safe from outside contamination, the PPS system offers a cleaner, more efficient solution for all repairs from small spots to large surfaces.
Enhance your quality, reduce solvents, minimise waste, maximise productivity and make your job easier with the revolutionary 3M PPS Paint Preparation System, in a comprehensive range of size options allowing precise, accurate coverage.